If there was one thing I could tell you about being a Victory Outreach Bible College student, it is this: if you want to succeed in your academic studies, take responsibility for your own learning.
But I can tell you more than one thing about being a VOBC student. So, here are my Ten Tips for VOBC Students:
- Read the syllabus entirely and carefully. The syllabus is like a road map. It helps you navigate your course successfully.
- Introduce yourself to your instructor and classmates. Let your instructors know who you are and your goals, and get to know your classmates.
- Manage your time wisely. Plan to study and do your homework 3-6 hours a week for each class you are enrolled in. If you are involved in ministry, know that it may be a challenge to attend all your classes and do all your coursework, and you may not be able to attend every event. So tell your leaders that you are in Bible College. Know that attending Bible school is a ministry. Don’t try to squeeze in time to do your homework; plan well and do your best.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you need help understanding an assignment or anything in your course, ask for help. Ask lots of questions. Ask another student for help. Call or email your instructor. And don’t forget that you can pray and ask God for help, too.
- Participate in class discussions. Engaging in course discussions offers students the chance to make meaningful contributions to the class, promoting effective communication and fostering a sense of community within our school.
- Turn in all assignments on time. Most instructors accept late assignments, but they receive a 25% reduction in grade for each assignment per week. Check your syllabus for details, don’t be late, and always save a copy of your work.
- Before you submit any assignment, proofread them for errors. Make sure to grammar and spell-check your assignments before turning them in. Use Grammarly.com to help catch errors.
- Be self-motivated. Have you ever wondered what it takes to be successful in school? Have you ever asked yourself, “Why do some students make it and some don’t?” What’s the secret? It’s the ability to be self-motivated; here are a few suggestions: Encourage yourself. Talk to yourself – yell if you must. Connect with other students. Get a mentor and spend time communicating with them. Keep good company by connecting with supportive, encouraging, and motivating people.
Hang around eagles and minimize your time with turkeys; in other words, spend time with positive people. Keep track of your progress by using the VOBC Master Course Checklist. Learn to manage your time well. Even if you fail a course, don’t quit. Failure is not Final. Learn from your mistakes, get back up, and do it again. Nobody said it would be easy, did they? If they did, they lied. Remember to ask God for help (as you study vigorously). He’s just one prayer away. Be persistent, and don’t give up.
- Have fun. Your time in Bible school may be one of the most incredible adventures you will have, so enjoy the process. After you are done studying, take a break and do something fun. Take care of yourself. Eat healthier and exercise. Even if it’s only for a short time, set aside time regularly to recuperate, regenerate, regroup, and renew.
- Remember your why. Education is not simply about completing a degree program or simply acquiring information. Education is a time of personal preparation where you become equipped with the knowledge you need to succeed.
Write down the reasons (or goals) why you are in school. Keep them in front of you. Do not fear; you can do “all things” through Christ who strengthens you. Plan to sacrifice now and pay the price today to be well-prepared for the opportunities ahead.
There you have it: 10 Tips for VOBC students. But wait, here’s one more.
- Always practice academic integrity. In other words, be honest in every aspect of your academic journey, learn to write better, cite your sources, and avoid letting artificial intelligence speak on your behalf.
If you practice these tips, you will do well in your class. So, what do you think? What could you add to this list? I welcome your feedback.